Excuse vs. Reality
Not enough time
If I’ve heard it a hundred times, “I always said that if I had someone to prepare my meals I would eat healthy.” Okay, then what’s holding you up now?
This is even easier than swinging through a fast food drive thru or eating out
You have a feature to choose your own with over 60 choices of fresh, healthy food
Travel a lot
If you are traveling a lot you’re not going to have time to prep your meals so this would be ideal. Your prepped meals can be taken with you.
Dr. wants me on a strict diet
There are strict diets that we don’t accommodate, but yours isn’t one of them. It’s called “Just Right” because it’s not wrong. If it was the wrong balance, wrong ingredients, wrong portions then it would be called “Just Wrong Eating”
Too expensive
There is a 90% chance you are spending way more and most likely wasting a lot of food because we end up throwing a lot of it away because, well, let’s not fool ourselves we eat out more than we like to admit and we go to convenience stores and by junk that’s not cheap – I live in this world too and I'm human and I also see with my own two eyes what people purchase. Not to mention, if you don’t spend the money for quality food you’re going to end up paying for high priced medications and/or insurance premiums.
"It doesn't work for my lifestyle." I'm not making any attempt to make this WORK for me. You must make behavior modifications in order for anything to work. You also must have the WILL to WANT to make it WORK
The longer you participate and the less excuses you make the more successful you will be.