Blueberry French Toast

Blueberry French Toast

Blueberry French Toast

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Regular: A creamy cheese blend baked between 2 slices of whole grain bread topped with fresh blueberries

1 serving: 365     carbohydrates: 55       protein:  21        fat: 7       fiber:  14       sugar:15         sodium: 545

1.5 serving: calories:547  carbohydrates:84       protein: 32         fat:10       fiber: 20        sugar: 23       sodium:817

*Gluten Free: A creamy cheese blend baked between 2 slices of brown rice bread topped with fresh blueberries

1 serving: calories: 304     carbohydrates: 37       protein:  16        fat: 9      fiber:  2       sugar:12         sodium: 405

1.5 serving: calories:456  carbohydrates:55       protein: 24         fat:13       fiber: 3    sugar: 18       sodium:608